“Turn your Years of Work Experience Into a Formal Qualification”

What Does RPL Actually Mean?

The word RPL is an abbreviation of Recognition of Prior Learning. This might be a bit difficult for people to understand, no worries, we’re here for you. In simpler terms, RPL is a process that gets your skills and work experiences certified. Whether you’re a chef, woodworker, plumber, or a pirate with a hook, you still need a certification to move up the ladder. Whether you are a skilled manual worker or a tradie, your hands-on experience, knowledge, and skills need to be certified by a college. RPL is the process that gets you to the certification.

What Counts to Get An RPL?

There are so many things that are necessary to get an RPL. It can be categorised into Three Parts.

  1. All Your Information
  2. Your Existing Qualifications
  3. Your Skills & Work Experiences

“Please note that DR Education is not an institute or RTO. We are an affiliated partner
with multiple RPL providers to offer these courses for you to enrol with them”